Post-disaster Masterplan for Krujë Unveiled

Broadcast Conference with Prime Minister Outlines Design


May 04, 2020

ZA + Varka's masterplan the earthquake-afflicted Albanian city Krujë was unveiled to the public in a broadcast conference hosted by Prime Minister Edi Rama (above).

Press Release:

Kruja, one of the worst-hit municipalities by the tragic earthquake of November 26, 2019, will be reconstructed under a new reconstruction program designed not simply to build a new infrastructure that will become a role model of the urban infrastructure, but also develop a new vision for the future of tourism of the historical and charming town, famed for its ancient castle, history museums and typical old Bazaar. A series of other attractions will add to the new tourist itinerary of Kruja town, providing a significant impact on the economic development of the whole area.

Prime Minister Edi Rama, together with the Minister of State for the Reconstruction Arben Ahmetaj, and the Minister of Culture Elva Margariti, unveiled the new ambitious program for the town of Kruja via a videoconference.

Presenting the project, Culture Minister Margariti noted that apart from construction of the collective apartment buildings, the project provides for a complete urban reinvention of the whole site of a total of 35,000 square meters selected to host the reconstruction program and undergo infrastructural transformation.

“As in other quake-affected areas, a compulsory local development plan has been designed in collaboration with the National Territorial Planning Agency and the Municipality of Kruja. The Redevelopment Area in Kruja includes a total of 9.5 hectares and unlike the sites picked to host development plans in other affected areas, it will also undergo a complete urban rejuvenation, mainly due to its location close to the Kruja Castle and other tourist attractions of the historical town. We have already identified all apartment buildings that have sustained severe damages. The proposed site designed to host the reconstruction program totals 35,000 square meters. Public institutions due to be build there will cover around 8300 square meters,” Margariti said.

The housing capacity according to the plan is estimated for over 370 families, 310 of which have suffered serious damages due to the devastating earthquake, whereas the rest include families currently outside the perimeter of the zone. A total of 26 apartment buildings are projected to be built in the area). In addition to the apartment buildings, the project includes also construction of several public buildings, including a kindergarten, a community centre and a healthcare facility. The project stipulates for construction of four-storey apartment buildings only in a 30-meter distance from each other. The ground floor will house covered, but public parking garages. In order to provide a balance between the built-up area and the public space, the plan proposes creation of a chain of public squares.

The Minister of Culture put emphasis on the town’s tourist aspect, with the current itinerary and guide including mainly visit to the old Bazaar of Kruja, the ancient Kruja Castle and the two museums inside the castle.

“The proposed plan includes a series of other functions, including a new market, a theatre square, a space for out-of-water recreational activities, which along with panoramic promenades and the steps due to be built along the town’s rugged terrain will create a broader tourist itinerary to include new tourist attractions and helping the local economy to develop,” Margariti said.

Prime Minister Edi Rama said that the reconstruction program represents a tremendous opportunity for Kruja’s transformation.

“This is a rather ambitious program, because apart from providing housing for the affected residents, it also contains elements that would have otherwise taken so many years to build, whereas this program provides us the opportunity to build them altogether. The serious crisis in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake is now serving as a great opportunity for significant transformation,” Rama said.

According to the Director of the Albanian Development Fund, Dritan Agolli, work will soon begin to demolish the low-code DS4, DS5 design buildings to make way for the reconstruction program. “We are currently assessing the state of the property picked as site to host the program to determine whether expropriation procedures are needed, since a large part of the site will be provided once the damaged buildings are demolished. The demolition is expected to start next week,” he said.

With regards to expropriation, PM Rama proposed awarding apartment houses and other construction facilities as a compensation to land owners affected by the reconstruction program. “The first offer for those who are subject to expropriation should be an in-kind compensation; So, the landowners, or those who will be affected and expropriated losing a certain property, or a certain land plot, be it either still in use, or a family plot, will be proposed a compensation that would include a much larger building structure, or apartment house, providing much better and more favourable conditions than the one they currently own or live in. This is to avoid extensive and unnecessary cost so that the property owners are offered the opportunity to obtain a decent immovable property. They should be offered the opportunity to sign such a compensation agreement. If they refuse, then legal procedures for expropriation will be applied,” the Premier said.

During the meeting, the participants also briefed the government head on the progress of the reconstruction plan for Thumana, the worst-hit town by the earthquake, where expropriation process for a small number of properties is about to complete, whereas the demolition process of the damaged buildings has already completed. The prequalified construction companies will be invited to submit their bids in the next 10 days.

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