Prospective Postcovidopolis

Double Articulation Against Air-borne Transmission in Wuhan


Visiting Professor: Peter Zuroweste Students: Natalia Bianco, Josefina Escalada, Mateo Juncos. Teaching Assistant: Agustin Ros

Course: Postdisastropias: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Architecture

Program: Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, School of Architecture and Urban Studies

Level: Advanced Undergraduate Design Studio (4th year, 2nd semester)

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Prospective Postcovidopolis: Double Articulation Against Air-borne Transmission in Wuhan

A biological Disaster is a diverse mode of coding in a semiotic chain. A hazard caused by the exposure to living organisms and their toxic substances or vector-borne diseases that they may carry. These disasters are caused by a virus or a bacteria. A

bacteria is a complex, single-celled creature that can reproduce on its own. They are transmitted to humans  through

air, water, food, or living vectors. Once they get inside the human body, they lay on a healthy bacteria and start to multiply in multiplicities. On the other hand, a virus is thinner and has small infectious agents. They’re made up of a piece of genetic material. The viruses can’t survive without a host, they can only reproduce by attaching themselves to cells in our bodies. Biological disasters don’t have an average of how long they will  last because are always in a relation with the outside and their constant movements. Its duration is linked to strategies of city planning, hospital resources, hygiene, among others.

Float and Fly are two ways of these microorganisms can spread. We have Float that spreads when close to infected people by releasing the virus to  air when coughing and/or sneezing. Fly It can spread from indirect transmission from person to person by a virus host, such as a mosquito, a tick or rats.  

The city of Wuhan produces movements of deterritorialization by segmenting the city vertically. The double articulation is related by elevating the quarantine zone as a way of overcoming the transmission. In this case is also apply to the process by which an object is produced out of other objects, it’s the process of producing one architecture out of another architecture, here the original buildings are this required objects. The Covid disease starts with One that becomes two, then of the two that become four or more, like a binary logic or the reality of the root-tree. In the case of Wuhan, the first relation in the chain is earth plus air where the terracotta walls that are located in front of the south face of the buildings are going to be cut by projecting the frame of the windows in order to let the wind flow throw them. The next relation is between earth and fire where we use the side o the buildings and extending in that direction until it overlaps with the axis of the earth walls and let the water rain flow down these walls where air passes through and cools down.  When earth and water organism intersect it become columns on that point to support a frame that follow the pools’ footprint, then evaluate the edges of the water pool that are perpendicular to the predominant wind direction and create a vector in order to intersect to the fist earth contour and regenerate the wall. On the other hand fire plus fire organism creates horizontal and vertical circulation to the upper part of the buildings. Lastly when fire and water overlap the area of the uv lights tunes take predominant over the water element so it will be cutting off.